
Batch Upload Roster Images

SIDHelp now offers the option for you to do batch uploads of roster bio images.

Note: When you use this option you will still have to use the crop option unless your images are already the correct size for your site.

You should only use .jpg for roster bio photos


To use this option, go to the Admin > Roster > Select the sport.

Then click on any players "photo" link (as if you were adding a photo for that single player).

On the right hand side of the page, you will see the button for the new "Batch Upload Photos", click it and you will see the Upload Multiple Photos page.

Click the "Select Files" button and then browse to your images on your local computer. You can select multiple files by Ctrl + clicking the images on your computer.

You should see the files listed in the main window of the Upload Multiple Photos page.

Once you have all the photos that you need listed, click the "Upload Files" button. You will see each images upload progress. Once they are all uploaded, you will see a thumbnail fo each image with a dropdown box below it. For each image, use the dropdown box to select which player/coach the image is for, then click the done button.

Once you select the player/coach that is associated with the image, a "Crop and Save Image" button will appear. click it to get the proper portion of the image set for the palyer/coach. If your image is really large, you may have to maximize the pop up crop window to see the thumbnail preview and "Save Crop" button at the bottom of the screen.

Once you save the cropped version of the image for that player/coach, it will be removed from the list of images that still need to be set for the player/coach. Once you have all of the images assigned to a player/coach, click the "Done" button and your new roster images should be active on your fan site.


Time Saving Tip:

If you have pre-formatted images of the correct size for your site, you can upload them with a specific naming convention and they will be automatically associated with the correct players and coaches. To get the correct naming convention for the images, look on the right hand side of the batch upload page. Once they are named exactly as required, upload the files using the "Select Files" button and they should be assigned to the correct player/coach (allowing you to skip the crop and dropdown player/coach assignment steps)




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