If you do not see this feature please contact support@sidhelp.com for more info on how to get this added to your site.
*This will help with making your column layouts and your pages look much better on mobile devices. This feature is meant to help create simple layouts to help with alignment of info and split page content.
Step 1 Create a custom page under Content Management > Manage Pages > Create New Page.
Step 2 Find where you would like to create the layout. Once you have the place on the page selected select the following icon
Step 3 Add info to your new layout.
Step 4 Review your new page you created!
Information: This will help with making your column layouts and your pages that much better on mobile devices. This feature is meant to help create simple layouts to help with alignment of info and split page content.
Here is an example of this layout feature in action. http://www.gvvikings.com/-softball-commitments-2018 |